December 15, 2024

Advent Devotional Series - The Third Sunday: An Advent To-Do List

And the crowds asked [John], “What then should we do?”
(Luke 3:10)

The cleaning, the decorating, the prep. Even as I write this, I am ambivalent about the idea of a to-do list. A handy list takes the guesswork out of what needs to be done. And then, the handy list just *stares* at you, law-like, waiting for you to complete it.

I am not suggesting that the doing of the list brings us works-righteousness; please do not let that be your take-away. What I would like to suggest, however – to you as well as to myself – is a renewed way to think about preparation.

Our REAL to-do list is in the scriptures for this third week of Advent: Sing aloud... Rejoice... (from Zephaniah 3:14-20). I will trust, and will not be afraid ... (from Isaiah 12:2-6). Let your gentleness be known to everyone ... (from Philippians 4:4-7).

In Luke, the crowds and imperial operatives following John the Baptizer are also looking for a handy list to take the guesswork out of things: “What then shall we do?” they ask (Luke 3:10b).

And Luke, who is giving us an orderly account so that we might know the truth, testifies to us that John responds with “good news” to the crowd who are “filled with expectation”: ‘The One coming will baptize with the Holy Spirit and fire. Meanwhile, share what you have; do not defraud or lie’ (paraphrase of Luke 1:3-5, 3:11-14).

Rejoice. Trust God. Be gentle. Bear fruit. Share.

This is indeed a renewed and prophetic way to think of preparation, and it is fitting. For the One coming to us will renew the world. Amen.

Denise Rector
Doctoral Scholar in Residence (Trinity Lutheran Seminary at Capital University)
Instructor - History, Theology, and Society
Ph.D. Candidate (Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago)

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