Girls With Sickers On Their Laptops

Capital’s Sociology program is grounded in the scientific study of society. This means that you will develop strong analytical and critical thinking skills and learn how to research by posing questions and working to find answers. Sociology is the social science field that is concerned with the study of the human condition: social existence, social behavior, social issues and problems, and how societies function and change.

Explore the Human Condition and Crime

Scientific Study of Society and Social Behavior


Grounded in the scientific study of society, students learn ethical approaches to knowledge formation, research, and professional pursuits and the expression of knowledge through oral and written communication. Through high-impact practices students are encouraged to see, study, and understand their social world. Students are given a strong foundation of courses that will prepare them to pursue a range of careers or move on to graduate school. Students who study sociology have the option to pursue a second major in criminology, psychology, environmental studies, political science or other fields of interest.

What can you do with a degree in this academic area?

  • Federal, State, and City Agencies
  • Community-based Organizations
  • Lawyer
  • Professional Case Manager
  • Policy Analyst
  • Human Resources

Student to Faculty Ratio


Of Students Complete Either a Capstone or Internship Experience


Faculty Advising from Start to Finish

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Experiential Learning

Students gain real-world experience through community engaged learning in the Social Problems course and through internships. Located only minutes from Columbus, Capital students have the opportunity to network and intern with community partners. Students can further enrich their educational journey in coordination with faculty and the International Education Office, through study at the Washington Center in Washington, D.C., or study abroad.

Program Philosophy

Students are encouraged to see, study and understand their social world and to discover how the theories they learned about in their major can be useful tools in exploring social life, their life, and different societies and cultures. Capital’s Sociology program is grounded in the scientific study of society, students explore ethical approaches to knowledge formation, research, and professional pursuits and theoretical, methodological, and statistical literacy. The curriculum in Sociology provides students with essential foundations to engage in a range of careers and graduate study.


The dedicated Sociology faculty are determined to bring out the best in all of our students and introduce them to an in-depth understanding of their chosen field. Each student is paired with a faculty advisor that will help them navigate through the required classes and their time at Capital. As professionals, the faculty are able to make invaluable career introductions, write recommendation letters for graduate school, and mentor students as they pursue jobs in their chosen fields.

Sample Classes

  • Introduction to Sociology
  • Social Ethics
  • Social Deviance
  • Social Problems
  • Social Theory
  • Social Stratification
  • International Law
“After I got to Capital, I realized that I wasn’t limited in my thinking; there was no "or", it was always an "and." I could study African American History and Culture and Philosophy and Politics and Criminology – all at once! The professors and curriculum had a way of tying in concepts from other courses that pieced together my knowledge into an expanded way of thinking about the world.”

-Arielle Johnson, Sociology, Class of 2016

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